John Kanary, University-Rosedale

John Kanary was born in Toronto, to a family of 10 boys.  He excelled in school and sports throughout his childhood and teens.  He attended the University of Waterloo and received a Bachelor of Arts degree, in both political science and philosophy.

After graduating, he started working with Air Canada in the IT department until it moved to Laval, in Montreal.  He then ventured into the Insurance Industry with CGI.  He started first as a Supervisor in the Computer Operations Department then advanced into Software Change Management as a Coordinator.

He worked as a Consultant with the Dominion Insurance of Canada Company for three years, before taking two years off to write his first novel entitled, “When Time Meets Destiny”.  His book was published on Amazon in 2022.  At present he is completing his second Novel and hopes to have it published at the end of 2022.

After completing his first book, John began working in the Financial Investment Sector as a Software Change Management Coordinator.  As Covid hit and closed the Canadian economy, John moved into the Telecommunications industry as a Logistics coordinator installing Cell Towers for various Cell phone providers and recently worked in the Construction Industry as a Project Management Coordinator working on contracts with the GTA Airport, Bell Canada, Enbridge and the City of Toronto.

John has followed politics all his life and recently looked for opportunities to give back to his community.  Dissatisfied with the present provincial political party’s performance and direction for the Province and the school system, he has decided to run with an alternative party focused on improving the Education system and rebuilding the Small Business sector destroyed by Covid pandemic shutdowns.

If you don’t like the how of the Ontario School Systems in preparing your kids for our ever changing world and want to see businesses striving again, VOTE for JOHN!