Ontario PC Premier DOUG FORD lied !
Ford has kept the entire Kathleen Wynne SEX ED AGENDA!
Ford & the PC party promised to repeal the Wynne sex ed but instead they kept all of it.
Ford keeps — and even expands — the Wynne sex-ed program
Why did Ford break his 2018 campaign promise to REPEAL the Kathleen Wynne sex ed curriculum? Today, teachers in Ontario are allowed to sexualize our children through graphic sex education books and other learning materials. Despite Ford’s promise, there was NO REPEAL of Wynne’s Sex Ed.
Ford offers no meaningful “opt-out” to radical, woke sex ed
Under Wynne, there was no OPT-OUT of the Ontario sex ed curriculum; under Ford, there is a bogus and false opt-out for one particular sex ed class, but now teachers can—and do!—teach “sex ed” and “gender ideology” in whatever class they like, and not only in the official “sex ed” class. The same holds for other Marxist indoctrination such as Critical Race Theory (CRT) and anti-colonialism.
Doug Ford’s government continues with “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” (DEI)
Wynne’s 2009 DEI “strategy document” —Realizing the Promise of Diversity: Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy— and then the 2014 follow-up —Equity and Inclusive Education in Ontario Schools: Guidelines for Policy Development and Implementation— was her manifesto. Under Doug Ford’s Ontario PCs, Wynne’s manifesto remains the official policy of the Government of Ontario and the Ontario Ministry of Education
Ford expanded the teaching of Gender Ideology
Why did Ford’s education officials promise an Ontario court, in January 2019, that “GENDER IDEOLOGY” is allowed to be taught in Ontario schools, by any teacher, at any grade, with the blessing of his government?